peer review

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. Today is our blog about peer editing. This blog is the feedback of a total stranger to us about our movie and what they think of it. Initially we were going to give this job of peer editing to someone we knew because we figured they would give their honest opinion, but we realized it could lead to biased because they have a personal relationship with us. So, instead of doing that we decided to give it to a complete stranger in our class and see what they thought. We wanted to see if they thought the plot was good and what they thought of our acting and song choice, so we could go back and make changes to anything. We made sure not to tell them anything about the movie before showing it to them. We did this to endure that they would have no prior knowledge to it, and it would insure an honest opinion about our movie. We decided to show it to one of our classmates that we didn't know, and he started off by saying it was good. He Started by ...