preperation day

 Hello and welcome back to my blog. In preparation for our start to filming we have been working on a plan for how we will do filming and what things we will need to do in order to be successful. We made this our first day of production because this would help us prepare every other blog that we needed to do for the future and would make our lives easier. We started with figuring out the Transporation methods for us so that we could efficiently get back and forth from each place that we decided to film at. We did this because we wanted to maximize our filming time and work as proficiently as possible considering our tight schedules as each of us has work and sports to account for. So, we all laid out our schedules for February and set our dates around those. The biggest date that we immediately noticed that could possibly hurt production was when Alex N was going out of town for 4 days and we needed to prepare for that as a group. After reading and organizing our schedules and decided the days we would all be free we got to transportation. As I currently could not legally drive as I do not have my permit or license and my parents were busy with work, we decided to do a carpool option. This allowed for all of us to carpool as a group or have one of us carpool another person just in case their parents were busy. Considering the only person who could legally drive in the group was Alex N, we decided to have him be the person in charge of carpooling if needed. Nathniel, not being able to drive like me made things a little difficult we thought but Alex N said he would be able to do it. After This was all done, we decided to arrange the time of meeting for each time that we would film. By doing this it would give ample time to get whatever we needed to for that section of the movie. With our schedules being packed with extra-curricular activities, we decided that we would have a two-hour session every weekend we could. We decided that the time frame on each day would vary based upon when we were free. So, we decided to set the time between Ten in the morning unto twelve o'clock noon. If we needed the times to be different in order to get the two-hour session in, then we would discuss with each other and change it. We believed this planning would be key to our movie's success. Overall, we decided that through the organization and time frame that we had set up between all of us that this was a good plan that would allow us to be technically proficient and on time.


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