Final editing session

Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today was the day we finished the editing completely of our movie. We started where we left where we left off last time and picked up on editing at the montage scene of us looking for things to do by search random and unreasonable places for something fun to do. We started by compiling of the clips we had acquired into the same clip. We changed the amount of time for each clip, so it would not take up much time in the video. After having these clips all together and cut down properly we decided to add the elevator music that we had decided to use in the previous blog. After doing this and inserting the clips into the movie, we decided it looked good. Proceeding this we decided to go back into our title screen and edit that by adding in the music that Nathanil had picked out in our last blog. The music we were adding was a light and mellow beat that we had decided as a group on after Nathaniel suggested it. The only issue that we ran into after trying to find the exact fun and mellow beat that we had selected in Cap Cut we could not find it. We searched for the exact beat that we found before but had no luck. So, we decided to settle for something close to the beat, which we all decided upon gave off the same mellow and fun idea that the original beat had. So, after inserting this new sound over the title screen we watched the whole movie that we had edited so far and really enjoyed it. Now that we had everything up to the more recent clips fully edited, we decided to continue by editing the next clips and having them inserted and completed, in order to stay on schedule. The next clip that needed to be edited was the final clip of the movie. This clip had to do with the Alcohol and one of us finding it inside of a secret cupboard in the house. This clip included dialogue between all of use speaking, this was fine, and we decided to cut it and insert it to finish off our movie. While rewatching our movie to make sure everything was running smoothly, we noticed an issue with the audio quality of the final clip, the one that we had just edited. We decided to delete the clip, re download it, and re-edit the clip entirely, ensuring that the audio quality was perfect. After doing this we inserted it and upon realizing we had fixed the idea and the first one was corrupted, we reacted the whole movie and really liked it. After doing this and making sure the movie was perfect, we had completed the second day of editing and finished our movie, thank you. for reading.


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