Music day

 Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today was the day whereas a group, we would discuss the music that we would use for our movie. The first collective idea we had as a group was to get the main focus of the music to relate to the comedic sense that we were trying to communicate. The first idea we which Alex N suggested was "Bubbly" by Young Thug. After listening to the song, though the beat was good, we decided that there was too much in appropriate languages in the song. We wanted the song to have a fun and comedic, without being inappropriate for the audience. Nathaniel then suggested an upbeat rock and roll song to be our montage music and have a chilled out beat that he found online be our title screen music. First, we listened to the rock and roll song, "Thunderstruck" by ACDC. Upon listening to this song, we did not think that this fully fit the comedic and fun sense that we were trying to communicate. So, we decided to not us that song, but when listening to the online beat that Nathaniel had found, we liked that and thought it went well with our title screen and decided to go with that. Following this Alex N suggested "Beat it" By Michal Jackson. We all really liked this song and thought it fit the scenes very well as it had a very fast-moving beat and was a very popular song that was known for being good. Up to this point we had decided on the music that would be used in the title screen, which was the digitized beat found by Nathaniel online and had no creator. We were now trying to pick the song to use for the montage, and all very much liked the use of it in our film. After reviewing it we made the final decision to add it, but realized we needed legal permission use the song. We like the song very much and really wanted to use it in our movie. But because it was copyrighted, we decided to try and explore other options before asking for permission to use "beat it" because we didn't have a lot of time remaining as a group. So, while we had this in our back pocket, we decided to brainstorm more music ideas. I then suggested a popular beat on social media that had been used in funny videos and was found funny. The beats name was "elevator music" and had no official creator, just as the first beat we were using in our title screen, meaning we could use it without needing permission. Due to our decision being timely and we did not have the time to send an email to a busy company and wait for a response, we decided that the funny "elevator beat" was the best fit and picked that over "beat it". With this we had no other section that we needed music for and with this choosing meant we were one step closer to finishing, thank you for reading. 


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