peer review

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. Today is our blog about peer editing. This blog is the feedback of a total stranger to us about our movie and what they think of it. Initially we were going to give this job of peer editing to someone we knew because we figured they would give their honest opinion, but we realized it could lead to biased because they have a personal relationship with us. So, instead of doing that we decided to give it to a complete stranger in our class and see what they thought. We wanted to see if they thought the plot was good and what they thought of our acting and song choice, so we could go back and make changes to anything. We made sure not to tell them anything about the movie before showing it to them. We did this to endure that they would have no prior knowledge to it, and it would insure an honest opinion about our movie. We decided to show it to one of our classmates that we didn't know, and he started off by saying it was good. He Started by critiquing the plot first and idea of the movie by saying the movie's plot was good and that it made sense for it to be comedy. He said that he got this emotion from the music that we used and the acting that we did through interaction with each other in the movie. He said the movie was set up just like a comedy would have been and he really liked he title screen as to when from the excited emotions and ready to have fun, to the immediate silence and boredom that followed. He said that this is where he realized it was comedy and he found this instant silence funny relatable as whenever he hung out with friends this also happened to him, he said. He also noticed the foreshadowing that was done, and we entered the house excited and went silent, saying "I knew this would come in later in the movie". He then began to board game scene. Here he said that hour acting could have been better as he could see a slight mess up done by me during this scene. He also claimed that the acting was good enough to understand but bad enough to where it did give a comedic effect in this scene. Although when he got to the scene of us conversating in the kitchen he quite enjoyed that scene as he said the acting was spot on and a full comedic effect was reached. He then complemented our clever use of props as he said in the props use in the montage with the cups and use of a flowerpot was funny. Getting to the end of the movie he described it as a "hilarious Twist" as we found the alcohol in the hidden cupboard. He said the movie ending like the way it did intrigue him and made him want to continue watching. Overall, the movie was a success and he very much enjoyed it, with the only negative being acting in one scene, thank you reading.


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