Finishing production

So now that I had every single requirement met and chosen it was time to finish my commercial and put everything into a video. I had the 3-5 pictures chosen to use that each described a part of my personality. Then I also had my 2-3 videos chosen that would be describing me. To put all of these to the songs I had also chosen that I would be using my taste in music to describe other parts of me at the same time. Now all I had to do was put everything together into a nice looking, edited, cut, and easy flowing advertisement to finish it off. I already had the platform that I would be using for this too. I planned on using CapCut. CapCut is an editing tool that is very easy to use that makes it easy to insert songs and cut them, as well as insert pictures and cut everything so it fits the time frame. The reason I am using this app instead of other known editing apps is because I am very new to editing and making videos in general and wanted to use an easy to use app. I also think that for a project that is as small as this, with it being only 30 sec to one minute, that it would be the best fit for it. When starting to put everything into the form I wanted to I had some difficulties while doing it. The first being that I didn’t know if I should put the photos or the videos in first. I was stuck here first because I didn’t know Esther or not I should but audio over the videos or not. I didn’t know weather or not I should include the audios because if I did then the first 15-20 seconds of my video would be soundless. If this happened then I would have had to insert the songs later in the video, after the videos played. If I did this then the whole flow of the commercial would be off because it would be going from slow paced videos to faster paced editing and pictures of me and the audios would change. This would make for an unpleasant viewing experience that would make my commercial not look good. So I decided to put the songs over the videos and have them playing during the whole commercial to allow everything to flow nicer. Another big decision that I had to make was weather I would be switching songs and only use one or both. One side of me wanted to use both because ot would allow two songs I listen to often to be played. But the other side of me thought that it would disrupt the flow of the whole video. Overall I decided to try and use both songs and if the flow didn’t workout then I would only use “in the summertime” by mungo jerry. In the end, I had my commercial finished with the videos playing in the beginning for the first 25 seconds the 35 seconds of the commercial being the pictures with the music playing over the whole time period.


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