Production blog- MV

It was just about time to begin filming but we had not started yet because all of us were currently busy and could not. So far we had been working well together as a team and were communicating well through everything that we have had to do. With our storyboards done, we had a relative idea on how we where going to act it out and where we would be shooting mostly. Since we could not film today we decided too assign roles to each of us that where not going to be in each scene. Due to there being three of us one would always have too be filming and two would always be in the camera. We structured our storyboard and entire filming process around this fact. We all had great confidence in our ability to do this project to the fullest. We where also very excited to start filming. We where all excited because we all knew each other before being put together as partners for our group. Which meant that we had fun litsaide of school before in each others company and I think that we thought of this as somthing along those lines and that it was going to be a fun ok verall experience for us all. The first place that we planned for filming to take place was Alex N. House. We chose his house because between all three of our houses his had the most amount of different settings. So, if we did decide to change somthing about our video. It was easy to change our setting to somewhere more well- suited for the scene. Due to us all knowing us outside and inside of school it gave us an advantage over other groups and a positive to how we planned to get the project done. We have had great communication on the assignments with each other outside of school. This, coming from out constant interaction with each other outside of school. Even though when it came time during the period for us to submit our story boards there was confusion in communication and we had to struggle to get it done. But in the end we ended up getting it done every though in the furture we may have to make a few changes, as we may not have fully covered aspects when making the storyboards the first time. Our overall group dynamic has been excellent so far and we plan on making this project look and sound amazing.


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