Production blog Dash MV

Hello, everyone welcome back to my blog and this is the second day of filming production for my music video. So now that we had the music video started, we were most likely going to finish by the time we had our next filming session. There were a few problems with this though. Again, due to all of us being athletes we had to organize our schedules around being able to film. But this time it was going to be easier because we did not have as much to do filming wise. So in the session, we decided that we would try and get all of the remaining filming that we needed. We planned around being done by the second filming session because it would help us in the long run making this video. We figured that editing and changing, and cutting for our video, would take the longest amount of time. As a result of this, we wanted to have everything done so we could save editing for the last and we could finalize everything. We wanted everything to be done this way, and save editing for last, so that we could stay as organized as possible and not miss any step along the way. As I mentioned, in the last blog, we had some issues filming due to an emergency with one of our group mates, which sent back the time. As well as groups of kids and football games at the park that we were filming in, that made it challenging. So today we will finish up by getting any more scenes that we needed that we couldn’t get previously. But due to there being a large event in town this weekend, every place that we need to film at remaining was packed with people. This made it extremely difficult due to the environment. Everything was super busy and super loud and made it impossible to capture the shots that we needed. So we decided to wait until later in the day to go out and try and film. In the meantime, we would go back, revise and make sure everything that we needed to get while filming later that day we would be able to get efficiently, if the environment allowed us to. Upon returning later, in the day, we realize that the tourists in the area had died down, and it went back to being a quiet park. This made it perfect and allowed us to get the remaining shots that we needed that we couldn’t get the first time. In the end, and we now had everything done, except for the editing for the music video finished, and we had a great day filming, though we had some implications filming due to tourists.


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