Changes made because of peer review

Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today my groupmates and I will be editing our blog based off of the peer review we received. Today was a bit of a challenge to meet up with each other. Today was a track meet for myself, meaning that we had to meet up at night considering the track meet was in the afternoon. Alex Nordyke was stuck doing homework at this time and was too behind on his work. As a result he suggested that we reschedule this event to another day so we could all focus and not inconvenience each other by showing up so late at night. But because Nathaniel was busy over the weekend with family events, he made us do it that night. I eventually agreed with him because if we did not do it this weekend, then we would have been behind schedule. As a result of this we decided the meet up time would be 8:00 PM at my house. Luckily it was still day light out so it fit in with the rest of the previous scenes, time period wise. Now that we had the schedule completed, we decided to come to a consensus on what our goals would be while we where together. We decided focus on editing our acting during the scene where our peer reviewer said we had a poor acting. The poor acting scene was in the kitchen of my house and we ran into our first problem after everyone arrived. The problem being that my mom had started to make dinner. Normally this would not be a problem because we could just work around her and asked her not to speak for a few seconds while we filmed. But the reason we had such a problem was because she had cooking materials around the kitchen. This made it hard to film compared to the first time that we did it because it took us a long period of time to set of the cameras the way that we wanted too. But the first time we began to film the scene the camera fell and made us keep having to repeat the scene. We decided to keep the script the same and made sure that we walked out of the camera before talking again. After filming we put the clip into the edited movie and it looked prefect and sounded perfect. Overall the day was very jam packed of events and even though we had a short time limit and some slight inconveniences we still managed to get it done, that you for reading. 


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