Production blog – MV

Hello everybody and welcome back to my Blog. Today is the second part of editing. In the last editing session that we did we sign rules to each person, and what clips they would be cutting down so that we could fit the requirement. It ended with us having just the right amount of clips equating to one minute and fifteen seconds the maximum amount of time that we can have. So now in this blog, we put each clip together in the correct order and added the music. App that we would be using is it called CapCut. CapCut is a very simple and easy to use app that allows editing and cutting a Videos with the additions of music. We decided to use CapCut, because it is known for being very easy to use and because we do not have much experience editing videos. We also decided to use CapCut because this is a assignment, that needs to be done in a timely manner.  Along with this, also needing to be done with this in a timely manner, we decided to take the clips that we already had cut and organize them and put music to them in the sections that we wanted them. But first, we need to get everything aligned with the song before we put everything together into one editing manner. We started off by taking the clips that we each had, and put them together into one CapCut line. After doing this, we organized the scenes the way that we wanted them from beginning to end. After we have the scenes, all organized, it was time to actually add the music. Again, we were using this song seven years by Lukas Graham.  With this song, being about teaching life lessons, and growing up, we decided to have the same theme in mind, when making our scenes. We wanted to show me the evolution of a persons life in the lessons that he learned throughout the life. This is the thought process that we had as we organize each clip, and as we put the music to it. We organize each clip based off of how we wanted each verse of the song to go with each clip as the person grew up. So that is how we organize it as we start it off in the beginning without his life was and what the persons life became after he learned lessons throughout his life. Now, after putting the music to the scenes we had completely finished our music video, and our final product was very nice. Thank you for joining me for my groups journey in making a music video.


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