For my final task movie I am working in a group with 2 other people Alex Nordyke and Nathaniel Greene, who are two friends of mine and peers. The maximum amount of people allowed to work together was 4 but due to lack of having anyone else that wanted to be in our group, it will just be us. But we all agree that we can make this whole project work out correctly and have very good results. I chose to work with them because they are my friends but also because they are both hard working individuals that can pick up lose slack if any, making sure we have a good final product. I also chose them to be in my group because we all know each other and because of this it would make it easier to get through a communication block. If we did not know each other then we would not be able to bond due to awkwardness between strangers and would not have a good final task. I also choose them because not only are they hard working individuals, but they also are very fun...
Falibaster studios. Produced by The box. Main actor Nathaniel Greene, Alex Dimartino, Alex Nordyke The Stash Music by Chainsmokers Edited by Nathniel Greene produced by The Box STORY BY Alex Dimartino WRITTEN BY Alex Dimartino Directed by and Alex Nordyke
Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today my groupmates and I will be editing our blog based off of the peer review we received. Today was a bit of a challenge to meet up with each other. Today was a track meet for myself, meaning that we had to meet up at night considering the track meet was in the afternoon. Alex Nordyke was stuck doing homework at this time and was too behind on his work. As a result he suggested that we reschedule this event to another day so we could all focus and not inconvenience each other by showing up so late at night. But because Nathaniel was busy over the weekend with family events, he made us do it that night. I eventually agreed with him because if we did not do it this weekend, then we would have been behind schedule. As a result of this we decided the meet up time would be 8:00 PM at my house. Luckily it was still day light out so it fit in with the rest of the previous scenes, time period wise. Now that we had the schedule completed, we decided to come...
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