Redo day

 Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today was a day that set production behind very far as we had found out very and news. While filming the first time I was accidently wearing a shirt for our school football team and it had our logo on it. Due to this mistake we had to make a decision, refilm all of the scenes that I am apart of or re edit every scene I am apart of and block out the logo. First we decided to try and do the re editing option. This would be easier and more time efficient as we wanted to have been done with the movie and not been planning to have had this interruption. Using our editing software, cap cut, we tried to figure out how to solve out problem and blur out my shirt. But after trying to we could not make the censorship box follow the logo on my shirt. So, we decided that that after noon we would refilm. Even though I had pans for that afternoon I decided to cancel them in order to complete the production. Nathaniel on the other hand did not cancel his plans and it resulted in him arriving later in the after noon than we had anticipated. Resulting in us not being able to start until later. This was a problem because we had to make sure the filming was done in the day time and not during the night so it matched up with the other scenes. Having this time restraint, we decided to get to work quickly by starting with he first clip we had to change.After changing shirts to a plain white shirt I was filmed opening a cupboard and a closet. These scenes where very quick because they involved no dialogue. We decided to save that last three clips for the end of our filming session. We did the first editing session outside and it went very smooth. After that the next scene was in the kitchen and we decided to make a quick edit to the script by having Alex D. change a line, resulting in funnier dialogue. The last scene we had to film was the most challenging as in involved the most dialogue and the most props. It took us a longer time than we wanted, but we eventually we got the scene completed and it came out perfect. After substituting these clips with the other clips in the movie we it all looked perfect as though nothing had ever happened. Overall, re-filming and re editing went fairly smooth with one problem with filming that was quickly solved, doing this resulted in better movie than we had before. Thank you for reading. 


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