
 Scene one

Box one (Arthur (Alex D), Tony (Alex N), And Marcus (Nathaniel G) are ready to go inside and have fun) Box two (Arthur is winning like usual and the group starts to have an argument.) Box three (Tony get mad because Arthur wins and flips the board) Box 4 (Tony explains that board games are getting boring) Box 5(Arthur then asks what else they could do.) Box 6 (Tony then walks away saying there has to be something to do).
Scene two
Box one ( Tony tells the group he has an idea. Box 2 (Marcus and Arthur make fun of his last ideas) Box three ( Tony tells them its a serious plan) box 4 (he tells them they should look around the house for something to do) Box 5 (Tony said they should search Marcus's house for something to do) Box 6 (Marcus is against the idea entirely).
Scene three
Box one (Arthur and Tony are questioning why) Box two (Marcus is explaining about privacy) Box three (Tony explains that they have been friends for four years) Box four (Marcus still does not care about their ideas) box five ( They explain all the stuff that they have been through together) Box 6 (Marcus finally give in)
Scene four
Box one (The group begins to look for something to do) box two (they were about to give up) box three (then Tony finds something) box four (they looked in the fridge) box five (they find a whole case of alcohol) box six (they convince Marcus to have a few drinks)
Scene five
Box one (the party begins...) box two-four (montage of crazy stuff) box five (the next morning in Marcus's room) box six (Marcus says what happened.)


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