Script for Final task
The Stash
"Car door slams shut."
Alex N (tony):
Alright boys we got the house to ourselves for this weekend.
Alex D (Arthur)
hell, yeah this is going to be awesome.
Living room
Nathaniel (Marcus):
Your move
Alex N (tony):
you owe me 5 dollars.
Alex D (Arthur):
Oh yea! That's another win for the big dog!
Alex N (tony):
Man, I can't keep playing these same stupid games anymore (throws board onto floor).
Alex D (Arthur):
Why because you keep losing? (laughs)
Alex N (tony):
No bro we do the same thing every weekend after school and it's starting to get so boring.
Nathaniel (Marcus):
Yea Arthur I'm going to have to agree with big T on this one, we have been doing this for the past year and it was pretty fun at first, but know dawg, it's starting to get lame.
Alex D (Arthur):
Well then what do you guys want to do because to me, personally, you guys are just made because I'm better but I'm getting pretty bored of winning.
Nathaniel (Marcus):
Well, what do y'all want to do then?
Alex N (Tony):
(gets up and walks toward the kitchen while saying) I Don't know but there has to be something.
Alex N (tony):
Hey, come in here I got an idea.
Alex D (Arthur):
What's up?
Alex N (Tony):
I got an idea.
Nathaniel (Marcus):
Oh no. the last time you had one of those we all failed math.
Alex D (Arthur):
yea bro I think if we are trying to have a good time that's the last thing we need (Marcus and Arthur Start laughing)
Alex N (tony):
No, I'm being serious, Lets search the house and try to find something to do.
Nathaniel (Marcus)
Bro you're not searching, y house.
Alex N (Tony):
Bro Marcus why can't we?
Nathaniel (Marcus):
Because bro privacy is a thing
Alex N (tony):
Dog we have been friends for 4 years and have talked about EVERYTHING, there is no such thing as privacy between us.
Nathaniel (Marcus):
Yes, but I still don’t want you two hooligans going through my stuff.
(Tony and Marcus go back and forth arguing)
Alex D (Arthur):
Guys! it's a two to one vote, sorry Marcus, no privacy for you today because I agree with the T-stir.
Nathaniel (Marcus):
Ok fine but don't break anything.
(Montage of searching the house begins of each of the characters looking somewhere in the house with music)
Alex N (tony):
Hey guys check this out (shows stash of alcohol in kitchen). Now this looks like a good time.
Nathaniel (Marcus):
Bro I didn't even know my parents had all this here. but we can't use it. My parents will literally kill me.
Alex D (Arthur):
Cmon, live a little they will never know any is missing.
Nathaniel (Marcus):
UUUUUGGGHHHH fine I need to stop giving into you guys.
Alex N (Arthur):
Let the party begin (opens Bottle)
(Montage begins of a crazy night of doing crazy acts with music)
Nathniel's Bedroom
(Alex N wakes up from odd position to see a dirty room and wakes friends Up from their odd positions)
Nathaniel (Marucs):
I am never listening to you guys' again bro.
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