Movie research: Elf

 The movie elf suits the comedy genre because of its unique and funny depiction that evolves a human baby living the life of an elf and believing it until told otherwise. The movie includes both verbal and physical comedic conventions that make the movie fit the comedy genre. The movie is about a human baby that sneaks into the NorthPole and is raised as an elf and his father is an obsessed with work husband who is on the naughty list, and as buddy the elf learns how to be a human and meet his dad, he develops the characters in the movie and entertaining the audience by being funny. 

The Movie used conventions such as a narration that I liked and want to use in my movie. The narrator was both funny and informational and was great at foreshadowing. I also really enjoy the editing of the movie, which was shown when Buddy and his brother where ambushed in a park by Snowballs and comedic editing come in when he rapidly makes 100 snowballs and throws them all very fast. By adding in editing and narrative elements such as this is developing the comedic genre and make the movie funny.

The movie conventions that I did not like for starters includes the depictions of Santas sled flying. This would be very difficult for us to and that is why I don't like it, being that it would be impossible for us to depict. I also did not like the multi-character development that was used in the movie. Being that our movie must be between one- minute 57 seconds and two minutes makes it very difficult to show multiple characters growth and development throughout a movie in such a short time period. 


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