My group for the Music Video

For this music video I am working in a group with 2 other people Alex Nordyke and Nathaniel Greene, who are two friends of mine and peers. The maximum amount of people allowed to work together was 4 but due to lack of having anyone else that wanted to be in our group, it will just be us. But we all agree that we can make this whole project work out correctly and become and have very good results. I chose to work with them because they are my friends but also because they are both hard working individuals that can pick up lose slack if any and make a good final product. I also chose them to be in my group because we all know each other and because of this it would make it easier to get through a communication block. If we did not know each other then we would not be able to bond due to awkwardness between strangers and would not have a good music video. I also choose them because not only are they hard working individuals, but they also are very fun people to be around and I enjoy their company. Even though it is only us three and not four we will be able to completely do this project and make out final product entertaining and on point. We have to chose a song that we want to do the music video on, meaning the music we want to put our film to as if we made the music. Before doming up with out final selection of “7 years” by Luke Graham, we had a few other options. First of all I wanted to include a song that was very energetic, happy and known to people so our video would be relevant among our target audience, the newer generation. Before settling on “7 years” by Luke Graham I defiantly had my doubt about it because it is seen as a good and up lifting song, but if used incorrectly can be seen as embarrassing and annoying. But this song also did not have any inappropriate language in it, making it a good choice above the others. The song also did not communicate any inappropriate ideas that none of us wanted to be related to. The first song that I suggested was “Grace” by lil baby. But after listening to this song an reviewing it as a group we realized that it was not the right wing for a few reasons. The main reasons being that it included inappropriate language and idea that none of us wanted to be related with. But also because it was a style of rap and not everyone has the same opinion when it comes to music. So we continued looking for a song that fit these categories and had been heard by many people, so everyone had an opinion of it. Then I suggested “I won’t back down” by Tom petty. But as a team we agreed that even though it was appropriate, not enough people knew it in our new generation. So after Alex Nordyke suggested this “7 years” by Luke Graham, we all agreed it fit every category perfectly and that was the song we wanted to go with. 


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