Introduction to the Music Video
This is the beginning to the newest project that I am starting as of right now. It is a group project for a music video my group and I will be making. I am very excited for it I hope you enjoy! My name is Alexander Dimartino and i am in the 11th grade and i graduate from Fort Lauderdale high school in 2025.I am a multi-sport athlete as I had played 8 years of competitive football for a club and upon joining high school I found a new love for American football, which I would like to play in college and I work extremely hard at ad I do Shot put, Dicus, and javelin in the off season. In everything I do I work extremely hard at, and I dedicate everything that I have to it. I see myself as a reserved meron that keeps to themselves, but I also see myself as a nice person. I am a very busy person from day-to-day as I go to school for 8 hours then have practice until late in the night and then I have homework. But no matter how many things I have to do or how overwhelmed I get I look to God to guide me and give me strength. Like I said I am a very reserved person, but I know a lot of people around school, but I don't have a lot of close friends I can call close friends, but when I have free time, I like to play with them on video games and I like to hang out with them. My parent is both successful in the yachting industry and i take after them, whether it's from my work ethic and the way I handle school and football. I really like to travel, as over this past summer I traveled put of the country to France where I visited from Paris to Normandy and then all the way down the coast to the south of France. I haven not really been a lot of places, but I have been to New York where most of my family on my mom's side is and I also Los Vegas for one of my dad's brothers' lives. I take my academic very seriously as I am working on my Aice diploma and want to go to a really good college. But as of right now while football is in season, I am focusing on that as well as my academics. When I grow up, I want to do something in engineering after attending a good college and hopefully playing football there. My top college I want to go to is probably the university of Florida, where the majority of my family went and graduated from on my mom's side. Whenever I have the free time, I like to help my dad on the yacht that he works on, for the experience and a little cash for myself. When I'm not helping my dad, I like to go to my mom's clothing and custom embroidery shop that she owns, and I go there to help clean and organize. Other than those things all I do in m free time is play games, hangout with friends, and try and go fishing when I have the time. I really like to weight lift in and out of school and i love finding new limits for myself in athletics so i can play better for myself and my teammates. I really wish I could play professionally one day on football but if it does not happen then I'm sure god will guide me to something just as good. Overall, I am I kind person that takes things very seriously when it comes to sports and academics, and I love to travel and hangout with my friends and have large goals and love Jesus.

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