What’s a commercial without music?

Now that I had the first two requirements met for my commercial all about me it was time for the last requirement. I had pictures the 5 pictures that I would be using fully don’t and picked out and coordinated with my topics of me that I wanted to cover. I also had in the previous blog, picked out the 2-3 videos that I was going to use to show my love for football. But now it was time, for probably my favorite step, the music. The music was by the part of this commercial I was looking forward to the most because I absolutly love music. Going along with the commercials main idea I was going to pick 1-2 of my favorite songs. By doing this it would allow me to communicate some of my favorite songs as well as my taste in music while showing the other aspects of me. The reason I was going ti enjoy this part the most was because it would help to captivate the audiance more. In every advertisement I have seen on tv for any kind of product, there is either a happy and fun sounding song in a background of whatever is playing and it makes people like the product more. Considering this I thought that since this is a commercial and it’s all about me I’m kind of selling myself or marketing myself to someone based on the good qualities I have. While making this commercial and tryi mg to find the songs that I wanted to use I heavily considered this aspect and wanted to follow in it. That is why the songs, that I would eventually put in the background of this needed to be positive. But first I had to pick the songs. The first thing I had to make sure of was that each song I would pick and the section of it didn’t include profanity. Not only did the commercial need to be school appropriate, but I also did not want myself to be related to inappropriate ideas and words. The songs also had to be made by respectable artists and not ones that did anything poor in their career. The first song I ended up choosing was “in the summertime” by Mungo Jerry. This song was choice one because it has a very catchy beat, I like it, and it gives off good vibes and hat are related to the summer time. But because I didn’t know how well the editing would go with using two songs, and how good it would sound, I had a second pick of a song to decide weather I wanted to do both or one or the other. The other song was “Hey ya” by Outkast. I chose this song because it is very well known and had a very modern beat and a good all around vibe I would want my commercial to have. When making the final edits to my commercial I would decide weather I would want to use both songs or one or the other. 



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