the next steps to production

 So, now that I had all of my pictures done and chosen from my previous blog it was time to start checking things off from the requirements list. I decided to do this process one by one because  to make sure that i accounted for everything and not get too distracted by focusing one one part of the instructions and forget about another none. The next part of the requirements that I wanted to fcous on was the 2-3 videos. So considering that the entire commercial had to be 30 second to one minute, i knew that the videos couldnt be over 15-20 seconds. Whatever ever videos I decided to pick I knew that it had to be about the part of me that I was trying to communicate to audiance. It had to give an authentic summary of that quality of me. I did not want the videos to be embarrassing because the video was to describe the good qualites of me. I also did not want the videos to have profanity in it, as I would not want the audiance to relate me to being inappropriate. Now that I had this done and planned out how I wanted the videos, I had to find the videos to do it. But first I had to go through the topics that I had listed out in the previous blog to find what topics I wanted the video to cover. So, I picked picked to topics of me that I thought people would most care to hear about when watching a commercial ti learn about me. The first topic I picked was about me being kind. I wanted to use a video of me with a stray cat that I had found but I had already picked out a picture of that. I had also wanted to show a video of me hanging out with my friends and having good times with them. But I had realized that I had already used a picture of this in one of my one of five photos. The reason that I’m sectioning off one topic to the video or one picture is so I can get the lost description of me as possible in 1 minute. So I had to think of one of the biggest aspects of me that I didn’t already cover over with pictures and what I figured I would cover it with was football. Football was perfect because I could use some of my highlights from a game to insert in. This would go well with my future choices of music and with the pictures that I was going to insert later in the blog. Over all the videos would be me playing football and would include some of the fun times I have had with my team, while the pictures would cover the remaining good aspects of me that I wanted to involve in my commercial about me.



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