Reflection on project
I finished making my commercial and the experience that I had making it, I found to be quite enjoyable. At the begining of this assignment I was very nervous because I know that I am not very good with technology and i thought that this was goling to be struggle fopr me to do. I thought to myself that there was no possible way that I would be able to finish this because of how bad I am with technology. Then I found CapCut and began to tesearch how to use it. I experimented with it and I looked through tutorials on YouTube and other websites to find out how to use it and realized it was so easy. I really enjoyed being able to do it in CapCut because of how simple the formatting was compared to the other, more complicated softwares. I am quite happy with the final product but I think it could have been better. For one, I think I could have edited some of clips to be shorter and not include some stuff that isn’t worth seeing or made the commercial look bad. Also, I could have edited some of the more important photos to be longer. By making those certain photos longer it would emphisize how much what those photos where showing and what they meant to me. Then the music choice, which really had to do with the CapCut app itself. When I was going to add the music, I had the initial idea of using a popular song with an upbeat sound and no profanity. The song that I wanted to use was “Outkast hey ya!”. But capcut did not have any songs that I knew and didn’t have the one that I wanted to put in the commercial. So due to this I improvised and found a song that had an uplifting beat to it and also didn’t have an profanity in it. The song was mainly I stumental hit had a very good connotation and levels up the whole commercial. As for the photos and videos that I used, everything that I used had a meaning to myslef. Each image I inserted made up a large part of me and my personlity and ambition. I am very happy with everything that I used in my project, even though I wanted to have more football images and videos in better visibility. Overall I am very happy with the outcome of my first ever sommercial that I made myslef and look forward to doing the same in future projects.

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